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Terms and Conditions

These are the simplemost salient features of our site's Terms and Conditions.

Please read, understand and accept these terms in order to use our services. If at any point, you find that you can no longer accept our Terms, you may leave this site and discontinue our services. We understand your honesty and will accept your decision happily.

1. Adcode Placement : Your ads should be added in your sites's viewable area and the adcode should be clearly visible while your site is manually checked. While visiting your site, if no adcode is found with browser source code viewer, your site may be blocked and all earnings from that site might be substracted from your account balance.

2. One Account per User : Only One Account per User is allowed. If you have multiple sites, you can use your adcodes in all sites.

3. Login Credential is user responsibility : Your Account Username, Mail ID and Password are your own responsibility! If you forgot your Username/Password or Email ID, You may lose your account. So remember it carefully!

4. User sites : This system will track all ad requests from your adcodes and will log all sites in which your ads are displayed. If we cannot detect which of your site displays our ads, those adviews will not generate any earning.

5. No Cheating by any mean : Do not try to cheat this system. No modifications/tamper is allowed in user Adcodes. Adcodes should be placed in publisher user's site pages. Any possibility of dishonesty may ban your account forever.

6. UPI system : All payments and payouts will be done using manual UPI payment system. As UPI does not work outside India, you may not be able to get a payout if you are not from India. For Indian users, an UPI account is mandatory if you want to get real money payment as earning.

7. Payout for Indians only : Currently, we have not yet planned to pay outside India. If you are not from India, you may use this site and earn, but instead a payout request, we recommend you to use your earning purchasing our services. If in future, we can add any payment method for users of other country, we will inform you accordingly.

8. Payout Minimum : To minimize the payout frequency, Payout minimum amount may change in future, if we receive huge payout requests. Currently payout minimun is set at the lowest amount.

9. Payout time : All payout requests will be processed within 6 to 72 Hrs. But yet, We may fail to do this due to some unavoidable curcumstances. BUT WE WILL PAY YOU AT ANY COST. You don't have to worry about that. But if, somehow, at any moment, you feel that we may not pay you, please use your account balance to purchase any of our service as you wish.

10. Payment reversal : No payment made in order to purchase Advertise Balance is refundable. If you have paid us, you have to consume it using our service.

11. Unsuccessful Payment : If you have made a payment, that does not reach to our end will not be processed. All successful payment will be approved if you have properly applied. We are very strict in this matter and want to maintain a good reputation.

12. International payment acceptance : If you are not from India and want to purchase our service, please register and raise a Support Request. If possible, we may arrange a payment method for you.

13. Fake Payment : If you make fake payment request in order to purchase Ad Balance, your account will be banned for sure.

14. A New medium in Advertisement Network : We are a Brand New advertisement network and any other Network or Online System that may had used the term ad2earn previously has no relation to us by any mean. So any kind of fraudulent activity or Illegal work done by them is not our responsibility. This domain ad2earn.net.in is registered on 3rd July 2022 for a period of 10 years and will expire on 2nd July 2032 if we do not renew it. So we are going to make ourself Trustworthy by any mean. However, This is not a Company, this is Just build by myself after getting disappointment instead of earning from other big Advertising network. This system may comes handy to you if you have a small website to publish ads or digital content to sell via internet. You may not be rich by using our service but earnings from this may help you to get financial relief due to your websites Server cost or Domain cost.

15. We are not professional : Bulding and Adnetwork does not mean that we have started a business and we are professional. Once again, We are not a company and also not professional. This site is a proof that those big Ad Network neglects small Publishers and Advertisers, and hereby we announces that we can. We can earn without them and we can be even popular without their help.

© Ad2Earn 2022-Present