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Frequently Asked Questions

About This Site

Q: What is this site?

A: This site is an easy oppertunity to thousands of advertisers who want to promote their contents to millions of users worldwide and due to this reason, this is also a great oppertunity to thousands of publishers, web/wap-masters, website owners, who want to earn some money in order to pay their webhost/ server or other expenses.

Q: There are thousands of Advertising network. Then why are you?

A: Yes, there are thousands of other Advertising network, and most of them are as big as ocean. And that is why this site is. To sail in ocean, you need big ship, not a raft. To get ads from big advertising Network, you must have a very popular website, high quality contents and large audience. They don't think about small websites/wapsites and summerily rejects them. If not rejects, they serves least quality ads and makes your earning a joke afterall. If you still not understand, you may read this.

Publisher's Interest

Q: How can I earn?

A: Just register to our site, generate Adcodes according to your requirement, place generated adcodes at your web/wapsite and relax. See how money comes to your account.

Q: When will I get paid?

A: Whenever your account balance hits a certain amount, you may raise a payout request. Payment then will be processed within 24hr to 72hr, if sufficient fund is available. Our payout minimum is Rs. 10/- INR.

Q: What are payment methods?

A: Payout can be requested via UPI Payment system. You have to provide us your VPA(Virtual Payment Adress) which is like your_mobile_no@bank or myvpa@upi etc. Currently payments is only made through UPI and no other payment methods is available. As UPI does not works outside India, payment is not possible outside India.

Q: I am not Indian. Will you not pay me?

A: Currently payments is only made through UPI and no other payment methods is available. As UPI does not work outside India, payment is not possible outside India. However, if at any time in future, I can add new method for payments, then I will inform you surely. Until then, you can utilise your Account Earning as Advertising balance and use it here.

Q: What are CPM ads and how much I can earn from them?

A: Well, CPM stands for Cost Per Mile i.e, Per Thousand View. Basically, CPM ads are displayed as banner, and whenever ads are displayed on your site you will be paid for valid (human view) impression/view. No other advertising network discloses their CPM rate as they mean business. This is because, they pay publishers about 10-20% of what they charge advertisers. Suppose if they charge advertiser $5 for 1000 Clicks, they pay publishers not more than $1. But here, I have nothing to hide. You can earn Rs. 4/- For 1000 adviews in your sites.

Q: What happens if my visitor make false click/adviews? Do you ban me/my account?

A: Of Course not. Don't worry, we understand, that may not site owner's work. We have strong anti-fraud mechanism. If any visitor of your site try to make fraud clicks, views, sponsored ads won't displayed on your site for that IP after a certain limit to protect our advertisers. Instead, your referal ad link will be shown as banner ad so that you can still have an oppertunity to earn via referral award. You will earn Rs. 1/- as Advertise balance per referer. Referal award are paid once your refered user hits payout amount.

Q: Any publisher requirement?

A: Not any, but you must have an active E-Mail ID and at least one running wap/website. There is no minimum daily traffic requirement for your site, but if you have some regular visitors, that's great. And optionally, a payout UPI account, if you like to get paid real money. However, this system cannot hold account balance more than Rs. 500/- INR. So please request payout as soon as you reach payout minimum.

Q: Which kind of sites are allowed?

A: All types of web/wap sites with legal contents allowed. We allow top-level domains(e.g. yoursitename.com), subdomains (e.g. yoursitename.yourhost.com and also yoursitename.yourhost.co.in sites). But we do not allow http://yourhost.com/YourSiteName type websites.

Advertiser's Interest

Q: How can I buy Advertise packs?

A: Only make payment through UPI. If you are not from India, please message me through site if any arrangement can be made specially for you.

Q: How long it takes to approve payment?

A: Payment made through UPI reaches instantly to receiver account. But payment approval may take upto 6 to 72hrs. Basically it does not take much time on National Holidays, but please allow that much time for any unavoidable circumstances.

Q: Can I get detail statement of my ad Clicks/Views?

A: Of course. You will get all Clicks detail (IP, country, Device/OS time of click/view count-all details). But please forgive for any extra fraud clicks as those are not logged for neither Advertisers nor Publichers.

© Ad2Earn 2022-Present